Deploying with Nagios ===================== The nagios and nrpe charms from the charm store can be added to a deployment to test the actual nagios checks. After deploying the two charms, add the relationships between nrpe and the desired component(s) to monitor and then between nrpe and nagios. First add the extra charms: .. code-block:: none juju deploy nagios juju deploy nrpe The nagios charm is known to fail the install hook due to a missing 'apt-get update'. To resolve this: .. code-block:: none juju run --service nagios "apt-get update" juju resolved --retry nagios/0 Use 'juju status' to monitor for a successful nagios deployment. Then add the relationships: .. code-block:: none juju add-relation nrpe ci-airline-bsb-worker juju add-relation nrpe nagios Now find the nagios password: .. code-block:: none juju ssh nagios/0 sudo cat /var/lib/juju/nagios.passwd Use 'juju status' to find the public-address of the nagios instance, then navigate to 'http:///nagios3' with a username of 'nagiosadmin' and the password from above.