==================== Launchpad Components ==================== Merge Proposal ============== *Purpose:* * A merge proposal in launchpad, contains the changes to be built, tested and eventually merged into trunk. *Deployment:* * This is already provided by Launchpad *Interactions:* * Trunk Delivering System - serializes the build and testing of MPs destined for trunk and performs the actual merge. Sends feedback to the MP on results of build and testing. * Ticketing Tracker - the tracker monitors MPs that are part of a ticket request. BZR Repos ========= *Purpose:* * Project branches created for isolation of new features. Created by the ticket system when a new ticket is created for each project involved. Will eventually be merged to trunk *Deployment:* * This is already provided by Launchpad *Interactions:* * Ticket Environment Setup - Creates and removes the bzr repos as they are needed. PPAs ==== *Purpose:* * A PPA in launchpad, encapsulates the build of a bzr branch. Stores the packages once they are built. Will contain a single source for ‘direct to trunk’ MPs or multiple sources for tickets. *Deployment:* * This is already provided by Launchpad *Interactions:* * Branch/Source Builder - supplies source packages to build * Trunk Delivering System - copies successful packages from PPAs into distro archive * Ticket environment Setup - creates a PPA to manage projects and builds under a ticket * Image Builder and Store - pulls packages from the PPA for image generation Distro Archive ============== *Purpose:* * This is the package archive. Packages are copied to here from the branch/ticket specific PPAs once they are committed. *Deployment:* * This is already provided by Launchpad *Interactions:* * Trunk Delivering System - Copies packages from the PPAs to archive. Also monitors for successful delivery.